Update on Juicing For Cholesterol

What has been happening since my previous post titled, Got Veggies, Why Yes I do?

In an effort to lower my cholesterol I’ve been consuming at least ten to sixteen ounces of raw veggie juice daily since October 2, 2013. I do this at lunch and rarely eat anything else. I’ll snack on a granola bar if I feel hungry or maybe eat a handful of nuts. This works for me until dinner time between five and six.

Since I began this endeavor, I’ve discovered there are some recipes more tolerable than others, but mostly, to be completely honest, I just suck it down through a straw as quickly as possible. These juices are not appealing in color and the veggies that are recommended for heart health are strong flavored and have never been my favorite. (Beets especially) Although I’m still determined to do juicing for my health, it is not something I consider fun and I would certainly rather have something that tastes like a Sander’s chocolate malt.

This is an article from the Juice Lady, Cherie Calbom that has inspired me to keep juicing for my health and well-being, no matter what I think of all the weird flavors that I’m not accustomed to eating. I’ve also included a link through Juice Lady below for a free all around online health seminar.

I’ve come to enjoy the quickness more than the flavors of these juices. I am ingesting super-foods  into my body, in a short time, every single day, and I can honestly say, my body is loving me for it! I feel good inside and without a doubt know it’s the best thing I’ve done for myself in an extremely long time.

The positives so far…shiny hair, weight loss, better skin, and more energy, my nails are growing stronger and quicker than they used to, also. I’m hoping on February 8, 2014, I can add another positive in saying that my cholesterol numbers have fallen. ( I will post either way) I’ve already decided rather they do or not, I will continue juicing at least once a day. It’s something next to exercise that I feel will make a difference long-term in my quality of life. It already has.

To answer those of you who have asked about cleaning the machine, and if running to the store to shop for fresh and organic veggies all the time is a pain, here’s my answer.

It’s routine for me now. I usually make enough juice to last two days. They recommend you drink them within two hours of juicing for the highest benefit, but they retain most of their nutrients for up to twenty-four hours.  I figure, hey, I’m still way a head of my one canned veggie a day meals from the past and it’s a whole lot better than store-bought juices.

The juicer is fairly easy to clean. (five minutes tops) The fine mesh part where the veggies are pressed through, is the worst. Between my handy-dandy spud vegetable scrubber (perfect size) and the faucet hose spray, it is really quite painless. Most parts are dishwasher safe but I prefer to wash them in the sink.

My favorite stores to purchase fresh and organic produce are; Whole Foods, Better Health, and Kroger’s. I buy enough for juicing two times, equaling four lunches.

This special offer came through my email-Free on-line seminar with Cherie and her guests, titled the, Winter of Wellness  Check it out, it’s FREE.

Is anyone else juicing? Leave in comments below. I would love to hear about your experiences.

Cholesterol Juicing


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Juicing for Cholesterol



Image Juice

Juiced Lunch


Filed under Juicing for Cholestrol

6 responses to “Update on Juicing For Cholesterol

  1. cyndi

    I am proud of you for doing this. Am certain your numbers will be lower.


  2. Garrick @Juicing with G


    I’ve also been battling with high cholesterol for over 7 years. I’m still taking Crestor as my main medication but I’ve cut it down to 5mg every other day and been relying on juicing + a healthy diet to try and lower it down. So far it’s been pretty ok, overall cholesterol is below the border (around 180-185) but bad cholesterol is still high.

    I’ve since started juicing regularly to help lower down my bad cholesterol more. I’ve documented around 6 of these recipes in my blog, check them out here >> http://www.juicingwithg.com/juicing-recipes-for-high-cholesterol/

    Hopefully we can win this battle!

    To your health!


  3. The Breville BJE510XL is chiefly made of three main pieces that can be put together with remarkably little effort.
    These fruits cannot be juiced in the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer Pro.
    Fruits with high amount of citric acid should be consumed in moderation.


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